total distance covered is 78.6km & time is 7hrs 51mins 52sec @ average speed of 10km/h
just 4 riders turn out after long talking
Keat, Poh & Tak all ready for the ride
after 18 km reached Tikam Batu have breakfast
roti canai telur
the coffee stall at the junction of Tikam Batu & Batu Lintang
Poh after the breakfast to Kota Kuala Muda
Keat happily smiling all the way
Keat with his new bike Scott Scale 40'09
4 adventurers
the brickwall artifact beside the wall monument

beware the house keeper
chinese temple
tsunami monument at Kampung Sungai Muda
Sin & Tak their seccond trip
house that hits by tsunami
Poh & Tak
Kampung Tepi Sungai market
whispering the tender
sea cracks
small fishs & prawn
buyer whispering the sum to the seller
Tak whispering something else to Sin
at Kampung Tepi Sungai

so we have a cup of cold lemon juice
see warm the weather
some self photo taking
Keat having his smoking section
Yaakob Hashim Mee Ugand Segar
Good scenery & posting from "Tak the milk man"
Honda Keat
Engineer Poh
Sin the organiser
we reached Pantai Merdeka around 11.25pm
water filling area
WW2 British watching bunker

the tide is high and wave are strong not boat is operating
so we went to have Pantai Merdeka rojak
at the resting hut
sea eels

other side of Pantai Mederka
boarding the boat

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