Mapsource Map distance covered 39.6 km

Google Map time taken 4hrs 05mins 56sec

track elevation profile

finishing medal NO:239/1062 registered
participation certificate, t-shirt, food coupons & goodie bag with rider NO.:975

jamboree banner

sin 975 & or hooi 976

at Giant bike stall displays by Sin Boon Seng of Guar Cempedak

sin ready at the jamboree banner

riders warming up

the view at the starting point back
at the right two riders from SPMTB

Or Hooi & Sin at the starting point

front row

sin at the starting point

back view again more riders are getting excited

after 3.5 km reaching the first hill climbing

view taken from down hill

MTB (mari tolak bicycle) nearly 1 km

can the see riders ascending the other hill

bare hill and scorching sun

down hill

station 1 water filling station & bananas

the bionic man back me

up hill again after crossing the stream

at the bridge above the stream

after station 2 up hill this girl should be Ms Jane over take me

even this rider push over take me

at station 3

water refilling station and limited banana

at the finishing line

collection goodie station

cut the rider plate corner after goodie being collected

over night rain track was soggy

Giant display stall

other bike accesaries stalls

motorcross marshal

Raja Bukit trophies male & female

top 10 prizes

best lucky draw prizes

helmet luck draw prizes

jersey not sure for who

hampers for luck drew

long waiting at chicken rice stall

fish ball soup lady

chicken rice
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