Nibong Tebal Jamboree 01/08/2010

jamboree track

track elevation profile

group photo at seng's house but without Or Hooi

this without Teoh

and this without Choon & Simon

at the collective centre checking the goodie bags

all the goodie bags displayed at the centre's floor

whats' in the goodie bag

preparation & discussion before the jamboree day

packing up the bicycles

Tak is instructing how to packed up the bicycles

lastly he checking the final work

and it is how the bicycles been packed

about 30% of the jersey collected the zip are not working

what are they discussing

breakfast at Juru R&R

mostly nasi lemak & goreng meehoon

this fellow seem to shown he have two fried eggs

arriving at the campus & final checking own bike

before the jamboree

at the starting line

waiting for the starting siren

Pin taking his energy gel for extra power

Tak, Poh & Seng

Ken & Boon Liang

Simon & Chuah

Ben Lim & Tak

back view

Ben Lim, Sin & Keat

first jammed entering the kampong road

first pushing uphill

first stream crossing

first water filling & banana station

this crossing the shoe sure got wet

man-made plywood bridge

at the most peak hill

this method is the fastern to get dehydrated

dangerous downhill

resting spot before going further uphill

Sin got 407 placing

Seng shown off his medal 523

this lady help us to took the morning group photo

Pin's medal 637

this little boy managed to completed the jamboree
together with his father showing his finishing medal

Teoh first timer and with his new bike managed to completed with
finishing medal

Ben Lim managed to completed the jamboree & for those who
finished in front of Sin could not has their picture taken so here
are the list of finishing Or Hooi medal 69, Choon medal 226,
Kalut Chuah 235, Tak medal 278, Keat medal 333, Ken Medal 372,
Poh medal 419 and Simon finished station 1.

some casualty happen to one of our rider

Choon showing the injury

other landed in the waiting ambulan

packing up against

lucku draw

lucky draw only eligible for rider who complete the jamboree
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