Shimano UUM Bike Challenge 2010

inside the goodies bag

unfinished track elevation without station 4 ride

official result but not proper recorded

track from mapsource

google earth track unfinished distance covered 45.4 km

packing at Simon's house

the person in-charge packing the bicycle

too early to do warm up

ready to ride

breakfast at changlun coffee shop

all wondering how is the track

hakka mee

speacial order

BLMer riders

at the parking lot

waiting for friend

at the starting point

at the briefing ground

meet friends from sungai petani

ready to start

one of the descending track

Pin looking good

Keat with his bike & Sin's puncture inner tube

moment of struggling began here

strength and mental recovering

front is the second last hill to ascend

after the descends some had to........rest

after the jamboree

ready to leave UUM

laksa at teluk kecai after lunch at jitra

how dirty the bike after the jamboree